Trick-or-treating was fun. Apparently, if you are tiny and cute, people will hold the bowl down for you and let you move candy from their big bowl to your treat bag pretty much indefinitely. We couldn't have hit up more than seven houses, but she has more, better loot than I used to get in two hours of busting my behind to hit the whole neighborhood. Little do those generous folks know that it was all a ruse to get candy for Jared. Kira doesn't eat candy, ha!
Kira in her Halloween dress, made by me.
Sitting next to her pumpkin, getting ready to go trick-or-treating for the first time in her life. We intended to put a face on the pumpkin, but Kira kept putting the face parts on the pumpkin, so we kept hammering them in place for her.
At the governor's mansion, where the first lady handed out Cheryl's cookies.
And now, on to the "and more" portion of this blog post...
Kira in her new dog pajamas, with her new dog ball and winter boots.
"When she was good she was very, very good..."
Blocks in the kitchen.
Someone noticed that the hall closet door was ajar...
Still loves to ride on mama's back.
My favorite new outfit from Kira's grandma.
Poor baby!
I've got some videos I want to upload, but that will have to wait.