Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New blog!!

I've wanted to make a blog to share pictures, videos, and anecdotes of Kira for a while. Its taken me nearly six months to do it!

Kira is getting so big so quickly! She was 27" and nearly 17lb at her doctor's appointment last week. Her hair is so long now that it sometimes hangs in her eyes. She rolls from back to front all the time, but she hardly ever rolls from front to back, even though she learned that skill first. Kira can stand up while holding a helper's fingers, and she immediately looks up to make sure everybody around is watching her when she does it. She screams, says "un-ga" and variations of "amamama" and "babababa". She makes W and H sounds too, and she likes to "talk" to people, even though she doesn't know what she's saying. She can't quite sit up on her own, but she can sit up for a long time if you help her into position. Kira enjoys spending time at her dad's martial arts school, because there are so many children to watch.

That's the quick run-down of what Kira's up to lately. I'll post some pictures and videos as I upload them from now on. :)

1 comment:

So Hae il said...

Nicely done, Kristin!

Glad to see Kira's web presence :P