Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kira did NOT win the baby derby.

This morning I found out that there was a Baby Bonanza happening near my house. I found the website and looked at the calendar of events and saw that they were doing baby races. I knew Kira was a super fast crawler, so I got her ready quickly, drove to the Baby Bonanza, and signed her up for a race.

There were eight lanes, about 20 feet long. The other babies were mostly older than Kira, but if a baby could walk, they couldn't be in the crawling race. About 100 people surrounded the track, anxious to see who would win.

I intended to record the race with our camera, but I had to choose to either focus my energy on recording or on helping Kira win. So that's why there's no video for this.

When they blew the starting whistle, I released Kira and ran to the other side to beckon her. Two babies started crying at the sound of the whistle. Two others just sat there in a daze. A couple other babies started slowly but surely crawling toward their parent at the finish line. Kira looked around for about five seconds, then saw my cell phone, flipped open and lit up, at the finish line. She grinned, screamed, and started crawling as fast as she could. She caught up with the leading baby a bit past the midway point on the track.

Then Kira noticed the leading baby. She screamed and zoomed over to her. The leading baby sat back on her butt, and Kira got on her knees and put her hands on the baby's shoulders and bounced a few times with a big smile on her face. I thought for sure I'd have to pull Kira off of her, because Kira tends to pull hair and bite. But the baby got away and started crawling again. So Kira moved to the next lane, where another slow baby was crawling by. She pushed that baby back onto her butt, and I did have to rescue her from Kira. I didn't want to cheat, though, so I put Kira closer to the start line in her lane.

Right around that time, the first baby Kira encountered won the race. So even though Kira was the fastest baby, she was also the most social and didn't make it to the finish line first.

I did record Kira playing with the brother of the winning baby after the race. He was used to playing with babies and was a good sport about it.


Keleigh21 said...

This was too cute! Baby derby - I love it! Would have loved to have seen it - I'd have lit my phone up at the finish line too so as to try and sway her, so you could claim victory! At least she's not shy!!

She gets cuter every day!

So Hae il said...

No, certainly not shy :)

I wish I could have seen the race too, but the aftermath vids were great too.

Isabel Amelie said...

This is the funniest story every I can totally imagine Kira doing the race!!! I can't wait to meet her soon! :) xoxo